Friday, July 30, 2010

Sun signs

Your Sun sign represents the sign of the Zodiac that the Sun was in at the time of your birth. The Sun rules willpower and ego. It is the core of who you are and what you are about.

Your Sun sign represents the main direction and focus you want your life to take and your determination to accomplish what you set out to do. It represents your personal honesty and integrity, your ability to command respect and authority and your capacity to impress and influence others.

The beginning and end dates for each of the signs can vary from year to year. We suggest you take a look at our cusp page for greater information if you were born on a cusp. People born on the cusp of a sun sign can exhibit characteristics of both signs.

If the Sun was in the part of the Zodiac called Aries at the time of your birth, then you are an Aries! Your character though similar to one of the twelve zodiac elements, will always be unique as a result of who you are and the choices you make. In fact your character as far as Astrology is concerned requires that the position of all the Planets (the nine planets in our solar system plus the moon and sun) are calculated. Imagine that these planets are the ingredients that can make up a human being, they can all be added in many different permutations and quantities.

So a professional astrologer takes into account the position of all these planets in your Birth Chart, using only your time, date and place of birth. This greater accuracy focuses on your character, problems, and forecasts your future choices and best most timely solutions.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


So is there anything to zodiac compatibility. Does your astrological sign really have anything to do with who your ideal mate is. Or who can be the best friend for you. Is there a reason why some siblings are rivals for life, while others are as close as twins.

Consider the writer, who is a Virgo, although an atypical Virgo (we think). Her sister is a Capricorn, and according to the astrology experts, we should be in tune with Capricorns. And in fact, the writer and her sister and quite literally opposite sides of the same coin. We have the same dreams! And we know when the other is in trouble of some kind. We will call each other at odd times, only to discover that the other was in trouble, or needed help or advice or counsel. We don’t know it consciously, but it just works out that way.

Then there was her husband, or ex-husband, to be more exact. He was a Libra and perhaps we should have done some research into astrology before we got married. In one article we read, under Libra, it said “No chance.” How true, how true!

So should you make the decision about your life partner based on astrology. Well, it doesn’t hurt to do some dispassionate examination before taking such a big step. While you might not want to reject someone on the basis of his birth date, a good horoscope CAN help you out with some clues to his or her nature that you might not pick up on all by yourself. And when they do something that completely mystifies you, perhaps a little basic knowledge of astrology will help you decipher what’s going on and help you communicate better. And that’s never a bad thing, no matter what resource you’re using for better communication.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Love signs

The stars can provide much insight about ourselves, including how, when, and with whom we are most likely to fall in love. Of course, astrology is not destiny, so while the one you love may not be a classic match for you in astrological terms, that doesn't mean all is lost. By understanding the universal forces that attract you to your lover, you can learn how to make any relationship work, and better understand your own self in the process.

First consider how accurate your own horoscope is. There are similarities among many of them, but find the resource that best describes YOU. Then use that same resource to do a little research on your beloved. You certainly don’t have to reject someone because he’s a Water sign and you’re a Fire sign. But, it can certainly provide some insight into why you two clash, or why you think he’s a wet blanket sometimes.

You can really go into detail about the ideal zodiac mate for you, but it’s hard enough to find someone, isn’t it. So don’t walk away from that Water or Earth guy. Use your knowledge to understand him. Maybe you need to borrow some tips from Air or Earth to help manage the communications between the two of you or to help resolve conflicts.

There are many really good books and Web sites to help you figure out the details of your zodiac match. Do a little research. And make it fun! What’s your sign can be a cliché, but if you deliver the line in the right way, it can also be a good ice breaker. If you’re a Virgo, and you’re introduced to, say, a Libra, tell him he’s got his work cut out for him. Everyone loves a challenge and it’s an easy way to flirt and start to get to know someone.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Indian Vedic Astrology

Indian astrology is based on the theory of fate. The good and the bad actions of the past life determine your fate or Karma of your present life, and the actions of your present life determine your future Karma. According to Indian astrology a person is born at that place, on that day and on that moment when his individual fate is in perfect mathematical harmony with the progress of the stars in heaven.

However it does not preach total dependence on fate. Astrology lets you know what you were born with, what your possibilities are, the limitations, your strong points and your drawbacks. What type of life partners and professions suit you and to expect is also indicated. It also prescribes various remedial measures to ward off the bad effects and to enhance the good results. Astrology is your roadmap of destiny. However your fate is in your hands. The scriptures guide us by telling us what is good and what is bad; what to do and what not to do; how to do and how not to do. You are given a piece of land and the seeds to sow. How much effort to put in to it, what amount of manure and water to add and when how to reap the produce is your job.

After that it is you who have to act using your knowledge intelligence, discrimination and experience. Fate is like a game of cards where you cannot help the cards that have been dealt to you but how to play them is in your hands. You may get good cards but if you play badly you will lose and you may get bad cards and still may win if you play carefully. Don’t blame the roadmap if you get drunk, drive badly and have an accident!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Four elements

Groups of signs in astrology share certain characteristics that are classified according to four earthly elements – fire, air, water and earth. It helps explain why some signs are more compatible than others.

The Fire signs are Aries (March 21 to April 19), Leo (July 23 to August 22)  and Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21). Fire people are leaders, dynamic. They light up everything around them. Because Fire needs Air to exist, Fire signs are most compatible with the Air signs. Water is anathema to Fire and a Water person could try to dampen the dynamism and enthusiasm that defines Fire.

The Air signs are Aquarius (January 20 to February 18), Gemini (May 21 to June 21) and Libra (September 23 – October 22). These are the idea signs, the air that breathes a spark into a flame. They can’t be tied down. They require freedom of movement and thought.

The water signs of Cancer (June 22 to July22), Scorpio (October 23 to November 21) and Pisces (February 19 to March 20) are characterized by the phrase still waters run deep. They’re emotional and sensitive, given to deep thoughts and conversations. Just as water can blur an image or hide secrets within its depths, so do Water signs have secretive emotions and abilities.  The Water signs are most compatible with Earth signs.

The Earth signs are Taurus (April 20 – May 20), Virgo (August 23 to September 22) and Capricorn (December 22 to January 19). They are stable and consistent. While not as compassionate as the water signs, they are nonetheless nurturing. They can be rigid (stick in the mud) and easily stuck in routines. They are most compatible with Water signs, as Water is necessary for the Earth to properly nurture growing things. Earth helps Water contain itself, which is often necessary for survival on the planet.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Astrological prediction

Opinions about astrological prediction are generally divided. In fact, both views are based on a misunderstanding of the nature of how astrology really works.

Though it may come as a surprise to the true believer many astrologers believe that   astrology cannot make precise predictions about your future although  astrology can indeed reveal the tendencies of your future.

If an astrologer tells you that next Tuesday you will be walking down the street, and will accidentally trip and fall, breaking your left wrist as it cracks against a fire hydrant, that would be a pretty precise prediction, wouldn't it. But no astrologer ever makes predictions  like that. More likely, an astrologer would say: There is some danger of having an accident next Tuesday; try to be more careful than usual. This is, of course, not a precise prediction, but rather a statement, based on certain astrological techniques, about an increased probability of a certain type of event occurring. This is the true strength of astrology: not to tell you what is going to happen (since that is beyond its capabilities), but rather, to inform you about the probabilities of certain types of events occurring.

Astrology isn’t used to predict the future. It’s used to help you gain insight and understanding into the patterns and directions your life takes. It’s not an absolute, but it’s an indicator. If you don’t like what your astrological or natal charts tell you, it’s certainly within your power to change it. Astrology can give you insight into one potential destiny, but there are too many variables, including the decisions you make for yourself, to predict with any degree of accuracy what will happen in the future.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pisces - the Fish

If you’re a Pisces, you probably have a lot of friends, as you have an accepting and malleable nature that makes it easy for other people to be around you. A Pisces is more likely to go with the flow rather than swim upstream to try to change people or their environment.

They can be more emotional, rather than rational and analytical. They don’t thrive in highly disciplined environments. Nine-to-five jobs are anathema to the Pisces nature. They are drawn to situations where they can use their artistic gifts and their appreciation of art and nature. They love luxury and pleasure. They can think on their feet and an enjoy new situations and change. They are happiest in the fields of music, literature or art.

Who’s the ideal partner for the Pisces. Not the rugged, caveman type, for sure. A relationship with a Pisces will be meeting of the mind and spirit, less so than the body. Pisces are cerebral and not intensely sexual. The need to be courted gently. They are intensely loving and loyal and have a monogamous nature. Don’t abuse this rare creature.

If you’re a Pisces, you may find yourself occasionally being walked over or taken advantage of because of your fluid nature. You may need to find ways to assert yourself that’s in harmony with your psyche. Because you tend to go with the flow and live in the moment, you might have a money-management style that can leave you short of funds at times.  You may need to be stricter with yourself to ensure that doesn’t happen. Next time you’re drifting around a department store, just do a quick tally of everything before you get to the cashier. Put at least half of it back, if not more. Chances are it will still be there the next time you have money in your pocket!

Aquarius - the Water Bearer

Were you born under the sign of Aquarius. What a compassionate and generous person you are. And did you know that there really is an Age of Aquarius. It wasn’t just a songwriter’s concept in the musical, Hair. Just as there are individual zodiac signs, so are the eras of human history divided into 2000-year segments of what’s called the Great Year. We just left the age of Pisces, which began at the beginning of the Christian era until the year 2000. It was a time marked by fluid changes in politics and governments. Pisces, of course, is the sign of the Fish, the symbol of Christianity.

We are now in the age of Aquarius, but only just in the dawn of it, like the song said. All the wonderful, generous characteristics of the Water Bearer are not yet symbolic of humanity as a whole yet, as evidenced by the current turmoil in the Middle East. But there are signs. Remember the Random Acts of Kindness. Perhaps those were a harbinger of the Age of Aquarius.

If YOU are an Aquarian, then you were born between January 20 and February 18. You are a humanitarian and more intelligent than most and given to thoughts of how to make the world a better place. You can be inventive and original, and you’re freedom-loving. You’re generous with your thoughts, whether people are interested or not! You can be eccentric and idiosyncratic, and need a lot of space, but your heart is nearly always in the right place.

Who’s the right partner for the highly intelligent and quirky Aquarian. Someone who can appreciate their generous qualities and share their beliefs. Someone who is willing to explore and grow with them. An Aquarian will be happiest with someone who is open-minded, who is warm and understanding and willing to be a helpmate.  While that may be the ideal for just about anyone, it’s especially important for an Aquarian to be able to have a partner who will share their passion for creating a better world and their generous nature.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Capricorn - the Goat

If you are a Capricorn (December 22 to January 20), you are a personality to be reckoned with, but in a quiet, subtle way. These are people who will achieve whatever goal they set for themselves. They have the grit and determination to see out a project or an objective, no matter how long it takes. They are surprisingly witty, when they allow themselves to be, although they’re not the fiery, flashy kind. A Capricorn will always be on time, will always have positions of responsibility. They make good psychologists because of their ability to listen to short-tempered people or people on a rant. They have an ability to stay calm and reasoned in a disagreement or conflict, even though the other side may be more passionate.

They are deep thinkers who have good memories and a never-ending intellectual curiosity.  In their relationships, they can have a tendency towards unhappiness. Capricorns set very high standards for themselves, and can be easily disappointed if others don’t set equally high standards.

Professionally, they are strongly attracted to music, although their logical side also makes them excellent bankers. Some famous Capricorns include Anwar Sadat and Martin Luther King. Paul Cezanne and Henri Matisse were also Capricorns. Other famous Capricorns include Richard Nixon, Simone de Beauvoir and Edgar Allen Poe.

After the Age of Aquarius in the zodiac Great Year (approximately 2000-4000 CE) will come the Age of Capricorn. It’s hard to predict what the human condition will be by then. Will we have moved on to other planets and solar systems. If the Age of Aquarius is to be marked by humanitarianism and greater understanding among the people on Earth, (we hope!), what will define the Age of Capricorn. Will we achieve the goals of Aquarius. Many people look towards the new millennium and the beginning of a new era in the Great Year with hope that we will have learned from the mistakes of the past. Hopefully we will continue to learn and in the Age of Capricorn will have evolved to even greater human potential.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sagittarius - the Archer

Sagittarians (November 23 – December 21)  have a positive outlook on life, are full of energy, versatility, adventure and eagerness to experience the new and different. They enjoy traveling and exploration; they are ambitious and optimistic, even in the face of disappointment.. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice. They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just, and are prepared to be rebellious. They balance loyalty with independence.

Sagittarians are usually modest and are often religious, with a strong sense of morality, though they tend to overemphasize the ethical codes they follow and worship beliefs about God rather than God Himself. This means that, negatively, they regard rigid, unloving, intolerant adherence to ritual and conventional codes as more important than the truths they symbolize or embody. They sometimes pay lip service to religions and political parties in which they have ceased to believe because the outward forms satisfy them, yet they may not hesitate to switch allegiance in politics or change their system of belief if they see personal advantage to themselves in doing so.

Sagittarius is the Archer and many war heroes were born under this sign. There are also many artists and entertainers born under this sign, such as Beethoven, Toulouse-Lautrec and Georges Seurat.  Winston Churchill, baseball legend Ty Cobb and publishing tycoon William Randolph Hearst were all born under the sign of Sagittarius.

In relationships, Sagittarians are reliable and will almost never betray their partners. They are generous and forgiving, although they are prone to temper and outbursts. Professionally, they make excellent teachers and philosophers. Before the invention of the automobile, they were said to be excellent with horses. This would make some sense, as the symbol for Sagittarius is a centaur, half man and half horse.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Scorpio - the Scorpion

Scorpio, the Scorpion (October 24 to November 22), one of the most energetic and powerful signs in the Zodiac. This is an exciting and magnetic personality, very passionate and emotional. They are forceful personalities and can easily be destined for leadership roles. Consider some of the complex famous characters are Scorpios: Hillary Clinton, Pablo Picasso, Dylan Thomas, both Simon AND Garfunkel are Scorpios. Others include the poet Sylvia Plath and Marie Curie. Marie Antoinette was a Scorpio as well.

Scorpios have a better chance of having genius-level IQs than most of the population; they are intense, critical and analytical. They tend to rebel against all conventions and can be political extremists.

The best love match for a Scorpio is Capricorn; they understand each other on a profound spiritual, almost psychic level. Scorpios give their hearts completely and passionately.

Being so gifted, they can find fulfillment in many employments. Their inner intensity can result in the ice-cold self-control and detachment of the surgeon, the concentration of the research scientist, and the heroism of the soldier. Any profession in which analysis, investigation, research, dealing with practicalities, and the solving of mysteries are relevant, can appeal to them. So police and detective work, espionage and counterespionage, the law, physics or psychology may attract them, and they can become masters of the written and spoken word. They may be most persuasive orators and find fulfillment as diplomats or preachers and, if they make the Church their profession, their inner intensity can express itself in the spiritual fervor of the mystic or the thaumaturgy.

There is no Age of Scorpio in the astrologers’ Great Year, because that will be some time in the future. What will characterize that era, we wonder? Will mankind survive that long.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Libra - the Scales

Those born under the sign of Libra, the Scales (September 24 – October 23), have a wonderful balance of traits. They’re considered to be diplomatic and urbane, romantic and charming, idealistic and peaceable. Even their darker characteristics aren’t so terrible. They can be flirtatious, easily influenced and indecisive. Curiously, Libra is the only sign of the Zodiac represented by an inanimate object, the Scales. Every other sign is represented by an animal or sea creature or person.

Libra is the very first sign of the astrologers’ Great Year, and occurred between 15,000 and 13,000 BCE. It marked the dawn of Man and his expression of his condition beyond basic survival mechanisms. This is the approximate date of the monumental Lascaux cave paintings. It also marks the appearance of humans in the Americas, crossing from the Bering Strait into North America.

Like the scales of justice that represented Libra, this sun sign makes good lawyers and judges. They’re able to stand back and look at situations with a critical, objective eye. They’re among the most civilized of all the signs, with elegance and culture among their traits.

As a partner, Libras are willing to bend over backwards to resolve an issue amicably. The best match for a Libra is a Gemini; they’re least compatible with Capricorns because Capricorns like a little more excitement in life, while Libras prefer a more laid-back existence. You won't find Libra sitting out all the dances that's for sure! Very easy going and likeable, you will find Libra's company a pleasure to enjoy. Even though they are outgoing, they are also surprisingly peaceful and calm of spirit.

Famous Librans include John Lennon and Jenny Lind, the famous Swedish singer. Doris Lessing, Luciano Pavarotti, Oscar Wilde and Johnny Carson are just a few of the Librans who have enriched our lives in the arts.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Virgo - the Virgin

Now sometimes, we’re not too sure just how right-on these astrological profiles are. I mean, consider Virgo (August 23 – September 22), your intrepid author’s sign. Virgos are universally considered to be very buttoned-down, methodical and detail-oriented. Geesh. Meticulous and reliable. I have to wonder if my mother didn’t lie about my birthdate. I’m about as flaky and they come and as far as methodical is concerned, I never do anything the same way twice.

Anyway, for you archetypical Virgos, here’s your profile, according to the experts.
Now intelligent and analytical, we can agree with. It does say that we’re shy and can be difficult to land as a partner. Maybe that’s why we’re writing this on a Saturday night when all those Aquarius and Pisces are out there living it up.

The age of Virgo in the astrologers’ Great Year took place circa 13000-10750 BCE. Not too much going on there. It was the end of the Ice Age (well, we’re also considered cool and aloof – it figures). It was also marked by spawning the hunter-gatherer culture and clay pottery has been discovered in artifacts from this period of time. This also marked the first use of agriculture by Man…er, WOMAN. Virgo IS represented by a woman, you know. The only zodiac sign that does so.

The best match for Virgo is Capricorn and the worst is Aquarius. One thing some experts say about the Virgo is that while they appear cool and aloof on the outside, they may be hiding emotion that is almost too intense. We’re so grateful someone recognizes this that we may have to briefly disappear and weep in a corner somewhere for a few minutes. 

Some of our favorite authors and other celebrated figures were also Virgos. Leonard Bernstein, Mary Godwin Shelley (author of “Frankenstein”), Margaret Trudeau and…Mickey Mouse!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Leo - the Lion

Leos (July 23 to August 22) are among the kings of the zodiac. They are generous and warm-hearted, creative, faithful and loving. They can be prideful and dominant, however. In Greek mythology, Leo was the lion that was killed by Hercules as the first of his 12 chores. Leos are spontaneous and extroverted. Like the king of beasts, they like to be in command and make good leaders. They have strong intelligence and can be philosophical, even religious.

The Age of Leo in the astrological Great Year was between 10750 and 8600 BCE. It was characterized by the Stone Age, and the first towns (Jericho).

A group of lions is called a pride, and this is a characteristic of the Leo personality as well, sometimes to its detriment. But Leos are also highly self-disciplined and will rarely allow any personality characteristic to get out of control.

They make warm-hearted and trusting partners, but can be extremely hurt and let down if this trust is abused. They have a strong sex drive which can make it difficult for them to stay with any one partner for long.

Leos like to be the center of attention and have powerful egos. They can be resentful if they’re not the center of attention. Leos occasionally need to remember that less is more and they can attract as much attention if they stop trying so hard to get it. It’s that pride thing, again.

There are many, many Leos in the arts and film. Some of them include Zelda Fitzgerald and Alexandre Dumas, Andy Warhol and Neil Armstrong, Roman Polanski and Robert DeNiro.

Which signs are the best and worst matches for the Leo. Surprisingly, the best match is Aries, although you’d think two headstrong signs like these two wouldn’t make a good pair. But it’s their strong character and passion that makes them a good pair. The worst sign for Leo is a Virgo. Leos tend to be a little more dominating than is good for a Virgo.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cancer - the Crab

The sign of Cancer (June 22 – July 22) has very little to do with that prickly crustacean, believe it or not. In fact, it’s hard to pin down exactly what constitutes the Cancer personality.  The ancient Egyptians perceived Cancer as the sacred scarab. It was a symbol of resurrection and immortality and they often placed a carving of a scarab in the body where the heart had been, as part of the mummification process.

Cancers are very imaginative and intuitive. They make great artists and musicians. They’re not risk takers, and will take the time to contemplate all sorts of outcomes and probabilities before taking on a new venture. They’re very sympathetic and protective of those around them. They will help out in whatever way they can, although not impulsively and will temper their generosity with calculating all the risks first. They’re emotional and loving, and great family and pet people.

In the Zodiac Great Year, the Age of Cancer fell between 8600 and 6450 BCE. It was a time characterized by the worship of mother goddesses. During this period alcohol fermentation was discovered and people began to use copper.

Cancers make good journalists, writers or politicians because of their ability to think and judge independently what they’re told. They’re good in public service, perhaps in social service agencies. Cancers are good providers because they themselves love comfort and a good life.  Cancers can procrastinate and can upset their families with this trait. They’re not too good at taking orders, so positions where they’re required to be submissive or subordinate may not suit them well.

Famous Cancers comprise an interesting mix of accomplishments. They include the Duke of Windsor and Bob Fosse, Sylvester Stallone, the Dalai Lama, Robin Williams and Ernest Hemingway.

The best partner for Cancer is Taurus, while the sign with the least potential for a harmonious relationship with Cancer is Aries.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gemini - the Twins

Know any Twins. Then imagine they’re one person and you’ll have an idea of what makes up the personality of a person born under the sign of Gemini (May 22 – June 21). Geminis can be contradictory, people with dualities to their nature that can perplex their friends, families and lovers. They love versatility and change, but can be flighty and mutable to create interest in their lives. They don’t like routine. Decisionmaking can be difficult for them and they can often change their minds.

In the Zodiac Great Year, the Age of Gemini occurred from about 6450-4300 BCE. It was a time when writing and accounting systems were developed and humans were beginning to trade with one another.

Geminis are kind, affectionate and generous, so long as this doesn’t impact their own lives and comfort systems too much. They have a strong intellect and love mental challenges. They catch on to new ideas quickly. They have an analytical side and can see both sides to an issue.

If you’re a Gemini, you have some interesting company in your birth sign. Some of the famous Geminis include President John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, Henry Kissinger, Joe Namath and Paul McCartney. Many members of royal families were born under the sign of Gemini, too. Queen Victoria, King George V and Prince William, all of England, were or are Geminis.

Boredom is a big issue for Geminis and they can get into trouble looking for some excitement. But they’re very creative and active and should have outlets for all this energy like artistic projects or exercise or vigorous sports like racquetball. Because they’re always looking for new and interesting experiences, they can tend to overindulge in food or drink or night life and club-hopping. Geminis need to remember to pace themselves or they could risk burning themselves out too early in life.

Taurus - the Bull

Think about characteristics of a Bull other than the well-known phrase of bull-headed. Taureans (April 21 to May 21) are steadfast, loyal, grounded. They are stable and balanced. They’re smart without being overly intellectual. They’re not likely to strike out for the unknown, but will prefer familiar territory. They’re patient, reliable and loving.

In the workplace, Taureans are good craftspeople, good with their hands. You can trust a Taurus; they make good managers and foremen. They’re good in the fields of banking, architecture, farming, medicine or chemistry. These are fields in which you can be creative, but within a framework of stable practices and science. Taureans are good workers and not giving to goofing off. Because they’re not big risk-takers, they can be trusted with the company finances and are completely reliable and trustworthy.

In the zodiac Great Year, the Age of Taurus took place approximately 4300-2150 BCE which witnessed the rise of Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations. This was the era of the Bronze age in Greece, rise of Minoan and Mycenaean cultures. This was a period characterized by the growth of agriculture, and the building of pyramids and megaliths. Bull cults were prevalent in Assyria, Egypt, Crete.

Famous Taureans have excelled in all walks of life. They include Socrates, George Lucas, George Carlin, Martha Graham and Margot Fonteyn, Audrey Hepburn and Jerry Seinfeld.

As a partner or lover, Taureans are faithful and home-loving, patient parents. Not given to sexual experimentation. Taureans are grounded in practicality. They’re stable and like harmony. They love pets and the outdoors, and like biking, hikes and enjoying nature in general. 

Every positive characteristic has another side to it, and in the Taurean, this reliability and steadfastness can manifest itself as jealousy and obstinacy. Fortunately, they’re also highly intelligent and can soon reason their way out of the occasional dark mood and depression.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Aries - the Ram

Aries the Ram (March 21 to April 20) is called the first sign of the Zodiac. We think of the beginning of the year as January, because that’s the start of the new calendar year. But this is the Zodiac year, remember, and is governed by matters more celestial than mundane! March 21 is the Spring equinox, which signifies the beginning of the Zodiac year. And when you think about it, this makes sense. Spring is the time of renewal and rebirth.

If you are born under this sign, you can tend to have the same traits as a young ram. Enthusiastic, adventurous, forthright and energetic. You’re courageous and confident. You could be a little impulsive though, right. Maybe something of a daredevil. Where the world be though, without daredevils, willing to strike out and do something completely different. Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most famous Aries ever born. Think of some other famous Arians, such as Thomas Jefferson, Booker T. Washington, Francis Ford Coppola, Jane Goodall and Marlon Brando. None of them afraid to break new ground; all of them changed the world or their chosen fields in some way.

People born under the Aries sign are passionate lovers and intense friends. They risk driving people away with their intensity and need partners that can match them without fueling the fire and creating explosive situations.

Arians make good doctors, athletes and explorers. This isn’t to say that people born under the sign of the Ram are all action, though. They have a softer, lamb-like side as well and if you’re an Aries, make sure you draw on this side of yourself as well when dealing with other people. You may have difficulty in certain jobs, because you’re an idea person and the person to get things started rather than finish them up. Surround yourself with people who can supplement these traits and you’re sure to be a success.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What is Astrology?

The word astrology is derived from the Greek words astron meaning 'star' and logos which means  'word', meaning the language of the stars. 

The Babylonians are generally acknowledged to have originated the practice and science of astrology. Their astrological charts enabled them to predict the recurrence of seasons and certain celestial events. So, in the beginning and for more than 2,000 years, astrology and astronomy were the same science.

Babylonian astrology was introduced to the Greeks early in the 4th century BCE and, through the studies of Plato, Aristotle, and others, astrology came to be highly regarded as a science. It was soon embraced by the Romans (the Roman names for the zodiacal signs are still used today) and the Arabs and later spread throughout the entire world.

While earliest astrology was used to bring a sense of order out of apparent chaos, it was soon employed to predict weather patterns, primarily for agricultural purposes. It was eventually widened to include forecasts of natural disasters, war and other events in the affecting the human condition. Once success in these fields was established, it was a natural evolution for astrology to be used as a means for advising for kings and emperors and, in time, the population at large.

The zodiac (which is derived from the Greek word meaning circle of animals) is believed to have developed in ancient Egypt and later adopted by the Babylonians. Early astrologers knew it took twelve lunar cycles (i.e., months) for the sun to return to its original position. They then identified twelve constellations that they observed were linked to the progression of the seasons and assigned them names of certain animals and persons (in Babylonia, for example, the rainy season was found to occur when the sun was in a particular constellation which was then named Aquarius, or water bearer).

Around the year 2000 BCE, Babylonian astrologers believed that the sun, moon, and the five planets known at that time (Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, and Venus) possessed distinct powers. Mars, for example, appeared to be red and was associated with aggression and war.